What Is A Good Breakfast For Seniors?


The age of seniors is rapidly increasing, and for many seniors, this means the idea of breakfast is fast disappearing. That’s not very good news for seniors, since breakfast has long been known to be the most important meal of the day. Without a good breakfast, both your physical and mental health can take a hit.

If you are either just getting around to building an effective morning routine or are totally lost in what food to have first thing in the morning, it might be time for you to consider adding some new things into your diet. This article will help you figure out what foods are good for older people who want to enjoy their delicious food while staying healthy at the same time.

8 Good Breakfast for Seniors

1. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is definitely one of the best breakfast options for older people. One reason is that it’s relatively tasty, tasty enough to keep you coming back for more. There are many kinds of oatmeal but the most well-known are rolled oats and old-fashioned oats. The first is probably the easiest to make for yourself because you can usually buy them in bulk at your local supermarket if you want to make a different kind of oat every day. When it comes down to buying them though, make sure they don’t contain any sugar or other ingredients that spoil your health (such as preservatives). The second kind of oats is usually packed in a box of instant cooked oatmeal which you’ll need to mix with regular milk. This is probably the easiest way to get them made, though they’re still fairly easy to make by yourself. If you have trouble making your own oatmeal, just check out your local grocery store’s bulk foods section where they usually have oatmeal that you can buy for low prices.

2. Granolas

These are the ideal breakfast for seniors who are trying to avoid sugar but would still like something sweet enough to fill their stomachs before their morning workout or work on the computer. Granola is made out of oats, but it usually has much higher amounts of sugar in it, which can be bad for seniors. As the day goes on the body’s ability to process sugar gradually lessens, but seniors are already at a disadvantage thanks to their age. The trick to making granola healthier is to make sure you don’t add too much honey or agave. Just adding a small amount will be plenty sweet enough for your taste buds and also won’t hurt your health all that much.

3. Warm Milk

It’s considered a cliché and an old wives’ tale but many people swear by warm milk as the perfect morning beverage for breakfast. You can either heat it up in a microwave or you can put it into a saucepan and heat it up until warm. Milk is also one of the healthiest drinks for seniors since it’s loaded with calcium, vitamin D, potassium, and more. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you should drink whole milk all the time, but you shouldn’t refuse to try warm milk too many times before giving it another shot.

4. Chicken Breast

Chicken breast is another great option for seniors who are trying to make healthy choices about their breakfasts. It’s low in saturated fat, thus it won’t hurt your heart or organs. Chicken is also a great way to get your protein for the day, which will keep you full for a long time. The only drawback is that it can be a bit bland alone, but that’s what salt and pepper are for!

5. Green Smoothies

Green smoothies are something that has been around for quite some time now but has just now started to become popular enough to be sold at many local supermarkets. They consist of a vegetable base mixed with a liquid such as plain water or fruit juice and blended until smooth. Greens such as spinach and kale are nearly necessary for this mixture because they have so much nutrition packed into them. The other good thing about green smoothies is that they are very filling. It’s not very hard to make one either. Just put your greens (some pieces of fruits or vegetables) into a blender along with some fruit juice or plain water and blend for around 30 seconds. If you want to make sure it’s fully blended, you can always put the mixture into a food processor and process for another 30 seconds, though this will take more time if you’re making more than one serving.

6. Blueberries

Blueberries are available fresh at many garden stores, but if you can’t find them then frozen blueberries work just as well. They’re very high in fiber, which helps keep your digestive system running smoothly. Blueberries contain ample amounts of vitamin C and E which can help bolster your immune system and keep you healthy. The best thing is they taste so good!

7. Vanilla Yogurt

The amount of calcium in vanilla yogurt is high, and it makes a great morning snack because it is very filling and keeps you full for a while. It’s also loaded with protein which can be very beneficial to your health in general. It doesn’t have much fat either, so it’s not going to shorten your lifespan, even if you just eat one serving per day. Just avoid eating large portions of this treatment because of the high caloric intake.

8. Quinoa

Quinoa is a seed that has been used in many cultures for its great nutritional value. It’s also relatively easy to digest so it’s very healthy food. It’s also by far one of the most expensive foods at the grocery store, but if you can’t get enough of it try it out in a salad with some chicken and some fruity dressing. The only downside of this seed is that it takes about 45 minutes to cook, but if you’re committed then you’ll have a good meal on your hands.


These are 8 of the best options for seniors who are looking to make their breakfasts healthier. These foods are packed with nutrients, but try to avoid eating all of them every single day because they’re all high in calories. There’s nothing wrong with eating your favorites once in a while! Just remember that the more healthy options you keep on hand, you’ll always have nutritious food to choose from.