14 Best Foods To Relieve Constipation For Adults


Constipation refers to difficulty in defecating, usually due to hardened stool matter passing through the colon. This is another instance where the problem is not just physical but mental as well. If you are constipated, your body will become stressed and produce cortisol which can cause too much acid production in your stomach causing heartburn. Constipation can also lead to bloating, low energy levels, and bad moods making it hard to have a good day at work or school.

What You Should Know About Constipation?

There are many causes of constipation that range from lifestyle choices to medical conditions that must be identified by a doctor before seeking remedies for it. People who have medical conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, spasm and colonic inertia are more prone to experience constipation more frequently.

How To Relieve Constipation?

There is no need to visit your doctor because there are many foods and lifestyle changes you can make at home that will help relieve yourself of the problem. Another reason why it is better not to go to the doctor is because once you have mentioned the word “constipation” they will immediately prescribe laxatives which is not recommended. Here are some of the best foods that will help relieve constipation.

This powerful food contains soluble fiber that absorbs water from your colon and forms a gel-like material which helps move things through your stomach and intestines smoothly, easing constipation.

Best Foods To Relieve Constipation For Adults

1. Whole Grains

When you eat whole grains, the nutrients contained in them break down slowly inside your body so that it can be absorbed by your intestines and relieve constipation. Whole grain cereals are good for you as they contain no added sugar or artificial flavors, so try to consume them everyday.

2. Beans

Beans contain high levels of insoluble fiber which allows your stool to be passed easily through intestines, hence relieving you from constipation. They are also rich in soluble fiber which absorbs water from within your colon, forming a gel-like material to help move things through your stomach and intestines smoothly.

3. Green Tea

Enjoy a cup of green tea with honey to help relieve constipation. A study done on 50 people who had constipation and at the same time drank a cup every day for three months showed that their symptoms disappeared when they drank green tea before meals. They also had more regular bowel movements and experienced less bloating, therefore showing its effectiveness in relieving constipation.

4. Grapes

Grapes are known to have powerful antioxidants that protect your cells from free radical damage which can cause cancer. Antioxidants also can help lower blood sugar levels which may be possible reasons why grapes are good for relieving constipation.

5. Cranberries

Cranberries are known to help relieve constipation because they aid in preventing the formation of excess bacteria that can cause your stool to become hard and dry. When bacteria is prevented from forming, it helps get rid of constipation. Cranberry juice is available during flu season but you can also find cranberry supplements in health food stores.

6. Yogurt

Greek yogurt contains a lot of calcium which is great for your bones, but it also contains the right amount of lactose that can help relieve constipation by absorbing water from your intestines and replacing the dry stool matter with moist ones. Make sure to choose plain Greek yogurt with no added sugar or artificial flavors so that you can reap its benefits well. 

7. Water

Drinking plenty of water is an easy way to help relieve constipation. When it comes to dehydration, constipation is one of the symptoms so by giving your body enough water, you can keep your stool moist and therefore relieve constipation. Water also has other health benefits such as keeping your skin looking healthy and reducing risks of developing some types of cancer.

8. Hot Soup

When you are feeling sick or tired, a bowl of hot soup is usually very comforting and helps bring relief from those unpleasant symptoms. A study done on mice with mild constipation showed that the mice ate four percent concentration formula from tapioca as nourishment in their diet every day for eight weeks led to improved digestion in them.

9. Apples

Apples contain soluble fiber which absorbs water from your intestines and forms a gel-like material which helps move things through your stomach and intestines smoothly, easing constipation. This can be good for you as it also prevents you from feeling hungry because it fills your stomach with a lot of energy that may also help relieve constipation.

10. Cheeseburgers

Cheeseburgers have been known to relieve constipation as they are rich in meat and cheese that are both meant to be digested completely in the intestine, so the food will not stay in your digestive system like it normally would when you eat vegetables or fruits that contain fiber.

11. Oats

Oats can help relieve constipation because they are rich in fiber, so be sure to consume them when you feel constipated to improve bowel movements.

12. Orange Juice With Fiber

It has been proven that drinking orange juice with fiber such as oat bran, psyllium and flaxseed added can help relieve chronic constipation because it increases the amount of fiber and adds moisture to your stool. But make sure your orange juice is freshly squeezed as fruit juices that come in store bought bottles usually do not contain the right amount of fibers needed to relieve constipation effectively.

13. Grapefruit

Grapefruit contains a lot of water that can help relieve constipation by providing your body with enough fluids to keep stool moist. It also contains vitamin C that helps prevent constipation.

14. Olive Oil

There is no special reason why olive oil helps relieve constipation, but there are a few of them. Olive oil has a lot of antioxidants that help keep your cells healthy and prevent risks of getting cancer. It also contains oleic acid that helps muscles contract and relax, therefore relieving constipation.


Most of the foods that you consume every day can help relieve constipation. They are fruits and vegetables, dairy products, beans and whole grains. The more types of food you try, the more likely you are to find a favorite one that can help relieve your constipation.

You may also want to try using supplements as well as medications to help relieve constipation. Supplements such as herbs, minerals and vitamins can give you relief from severe constipation when medications cannot help much.