
The types of lift chairs for elderly have changed dramatically in recent years. This is due to the increase in life expectancy among older people. With more elderly living longer, it is important that they have a safe and comfortable way to use their power wheelchairs or power recliners. They need a new type of chair that will make both their home and life easier. 

With so many options when it comes to purchasing a lift chair, it can be hard to decide which chair is most suitable for your needs. A Quick Guide To Lift Chair Types is a great place for you or a loved one to begin looking into the various types of chairs, and what they have to offer.

Types Of Lift Chairs For Elderly

1. Purpose-built, park and maneuverability chairs

Power wheelchairs are designed to help people who require power assistance. This means they can be used indoors or outdoors. They often include a built-in brake so they can be easily stopped, making them perfect for those who need the extra safety and mobility feature. Although they often have higher prices, buying a lift chair with this specific design will provide a lot of convenience for your needs.

2. Power Recliner 

These chairs are highly versatile and allow the elderly persons to sit straight, recline or even sit up in them as well. They also have a hold button that is ideal for those who need to rest periodically throughout the day. These lift chairs can also be used both indoors and outdoors as well. They include some of the best features a person could possibly need or want in a chair.

3. Wheelchair Lift Chairs

Wheelchair lift chairs are similar to regular power wheelchairs but lack the extra brake and maneuverability feature, making them less expensive. They are designed to help those who require power assistance but cannot safely use their normal wheelchairs due to health or mobility issues. These chairs will move from place to place easily, making them perfect for those with limited mobility.

4. Manual Wheelchairs/Wheelchairs

These chairs are just as valuable as their motorized counterparts but do not include brakes or maneuverability features like the others mentioned above. This means they can only be used indoors. They are ideal for people who do not require the extra safety and mobility features that a power wheelchair provides, but still desire comfort and convenience. 

5. Ambulatory Recliner

Although these chairs may have similar features to those listed above, they are designed with the elderly person in mind. They are often referred to as lift chairs with tray tables as well since they have a table attached to the side of them. They also include various other features that make life easier for those who wish to use them. With so many options available, finding one that is both safe and convenient is possible especially if you choose a chair based on your age and overall health and mobility needs.

6. Earth Lift Chair

Known as the self-powered wheelchair, these chairs have built-in power lifts or handles. They are designed to help those with limited mobility when they wish to move from a seated position to a standing one. The chair will automatically elevate the person until their feet reach the ground. The person can then push or pull themselves back down, depending on their preference. Although this chair is not a great option for those who require extra mobility as well as care, it is ideal for people who may need assistance but do not need full power in order to be able to use it.

7. Lift Chair

These chairs are often thought of as being similar to the wheelchair lift chairs. However, they have a seat that is elevated as opposed to lifting the individual up. They also do not have brakes like the wheelchairs do. The overall design will depend on the specific needs of the user, but they are often found in homes or in assisted living facilities. These chairs are ideal for those who require a little assistance standing up but do not need power assistance to move within their home or facility. 

8. Lift Recliner

These chairs are designed for those who need to be able to sit straight up, recline into an easy chair position and even sit back up again easily and quickly without assistance from another person. This is why they are also referred to as lift recliners. They are great for those who wish to sit up and read a magazine, watch TV or use their internet without having to move around the house constantly. They are often found in assisted living facilities where an elderly person may wish to use them after a hip replacement or other health condition has limited their mobility.

9. Skateboard Lift Chairs

These chairs have been designed so that users can cover short distances quickly and easily while they enjoy themselves on wheels. This means they are able to go from one end of a room to the other within seconds, making them ideal for those who live alone and have limited mobility.

10. Mobility Lift Chairs

Although similar to other power wheelchairs, these chairs have a seat that lifts up as opposed to the individual standing up. This is great for those who may have trouble standing up during times of illness or instability. They are often found in homes where an elderly person may need extra help due to health issues.

Although buying another lift chair will make your life easier, you may also consider replacing the rungs on a power wheelchair or chair if it is starting to become worn. The rungs are a vital part of the chair and should be replaced if they are starting to become worn out and begin to scratch, chip away at your skin or rip from the fabric over time.


We find that some older people prefer the easier wheelchairs as they don’t have to worry about unsteadiness and therefore, don’t mind walking up and down the stair more than necessary. But, if buying a power wheelchair is becoming a problem for your elderly relative, there are other solutions you can use.

Shopping for a new chair will allow you to buy one that has all the features you need, but it won’t be as expensive as a brand new one. You can also keep an eye out for a discount coupon on power wheelchairs and save quite a bit of money with that.