Top 10 Games To Play With The Elderly In Nursing Homes


It’s no secret that the elderly are on the decline. As the average lifespan continues to grow, there are more people entering nursing homes or spending their final years at home. The need for quality games has increased by 11%, with options ranging from challenging puzzles to memory games designed for people of all ages and abilities.

It’s easy to find games that are just right for this population of adults who have had a hard life. Nursing homes often have limited funds, meaning they cannot afford new consoles or gaming devices themselves. They can, however, play free games with their residents, making it possible for everyone to enjoy quality gaming. As technology grows in nursing homes today, the quality of home gaming is improving. Here are some of the best nursing home games available today.

Games To Play With The Elderly In Nursing Homes

1. Family Feud

Family Feud is an easy-to-learn game that requires participation from everyone in the room. The game starts off with one player asking a series of questions about their relatives and family members; each question they answer correctly moves one player ahead in the game…and they will eventually be the host of the game.

The questions are generally easy to answer, but people of all ages can play it. The game is for up to six players, so there is plenty of fun to be had. It won’t cost you any money, either. Family Feud is free to play with ads. Each round takes about five minutes and each player only needs to answer two or three questions per round before moving on.

2. Solitaire Scramble

Solitaire Scramble is a great game with no cost whatsoever. It is a quick game that involves matching cards. The game starts with nine cards being dealt out to the player automatically. There are two wild cards, which are two hearts and two clubs. When the player matches up all of the heart or club cards, they can choose to keep the match or use it as a wild card to complete another match.

Solitaire Scramble is an easy game that anyone can play. There are no hard decisions to make, making it perfect for seniors who might have trouble sitting at a computer for long periods of time. It’s also easy to control, making it ideal for people who don’t want any distractions during their gaming experience.

3. Super Solitaire Plus

Super Solitaire Plus is a free game that deals with the classic solitaire experience, but with a few extras. Many games have wild cards for completing one match at a time. However, Super Solitaire Plus allows you to complete more levels in fewer turns. The game also includes several board designs, so you can effectively use your imagination when playing the game.

It plays much faster than other games in this category, meaning it will not last hours. It only takes five minutes to play the entire game – which is perfect for people who are trying to finish their work before noon today. Patient gamers can also enjoy this game, due to the fact that it takes a long time to complete a match.

4. Slide Puzzle

Slide Puzzle is a simple puzzle game that anyone can play. It starts off with a 9×9 grid of icons. The player must slide the pieces into the correct places in order to make the picture whole. While this might sound easy, it’s actually far from it. You have to slide from one side of the screen to the other, making it hard for people with shaking hands or impaired motor skills. The game can be played by one to four players.

Slide Puzzle is a perfect game for seniors who have limited hand or arm strength. It is also ideal for people of any age who have trouble concentrating on multiple activities at once. The game only takes about five minutes to play, which means people can play it while they are resting in their homes.

5. HIscores

Hiscores is a simple game that tests the player’s memory skills in addition to their strategic thinking. The player has to remember three numbers in order to match them up with the right color. If they do not, they must start over with another number and try again. After three matches, the player can earn a level.

It’s a fun game that doesn’t cost money. HIscores is a great game for all ages and abilities, making it perfect for nursing homes. The entire game takes about two minutes to complete, making it ideal for people who have a hard time concentrating on one thing for a long period of time. It’s also easy to use so there won’t be any distractions from those who have impaired motor skills.

6. Memory Challenge

Memory Challenge is another memory-strategy game that is fun and easy to play. The rules are simple: place as many colored pieces as you can on the board before time runs out. The team that has the most pieces up at the end of the round wins. The game can be played by one to eight players, and it only takes five minutes to complete each round.

Memory Challenge is a great game for people who like puzzle games. It’s also easy to use and different, making it easy to play by people who might not be able to sit at a computer for long periods of time. It should not take more than 20 seconds for someone with memory issues or visual disabilities to complete one round.

7. Memory

Memory is a fun and engaging game that tests your memory skills and logical thinking. The game starts off with a simple matrix of red and blue squares placed up against the board. The player must flip over a square and make a mental note about what they see, then choose to keep it or turn it back over. If they guess correctly, the square is moved to their side of the screen. If they guess incorrectly, it’s moved to the other team’s side. You win by guessing as many squares as possible before your time runs out.

Memory is an easy-to-use memory game that can be played by people of all ages and abilities. It is a great game for grandparents and grandparents-in-law who might have trouble concentrating on multiple areas of their daily activities. It only takes five minutes to play, making it a stress-free experience for those who need any help with focus.

8. Gives

Gives is a fun and entertaining game that anyone can play. It starts off with the player receiving five cards from the top of the deck. The object is to create as many matches as possible in an effort to win as many marbles in the highest number in order to keep them coming in. The player can also get a bonus round by winning a match worth 10 marbles.

Gives is a great game for people of all ages and abilities. It may be best suited for senior citizens, but it is perfect for anyone who’s trying to get into the holiday spirit. It’s also another card matching type of game that keeps things simple and easy to control. You can play for free on your Android device without having to spend a dime.

9. Picwheels

Picwheels is a fun and easy way for people of all ages to have fun while playing games. The game started out as a new way to play the old school game of pong. Players control a ball that bounces around on the screen, making it easy to maneuver. The player then tries to hit the other player’s ball into the goal using their paddle before it falls off the screen.

Picwheels is a great game for anyone who may have poor hearing or vision. It is also perfect for grandparents who might have trouble concentrating on multiple things at once if they are on their own. You can play by yourself or with up to four other people, including kids of all ages and abilities.

10. Maze Game

Maze Game is a fun and exciting game that you can play on your phone. It’s a maze-based puzzle game that uses a classic memory-type puzzle design. The object is to help the player move from one side of the screen to the other by traversing through each level. You have to use your mouse, keyboard, or touchscreen to scroll through the maze. If you get stuck, you can always restart the maze and try again. When you beat all 20 levels, you win.

Maze Game is a great game for everyone, including people of any age or ability. It’s easy to use and takes only ten minutes to play through each level. It’s also a great way to train your brain and keep your mind sharp while having fun!

Hopefully, these games will allow you to enjoy some quality time with your grandparents.


Whether it’s a mom or a grandparent, we all love spending time with family. It’s nice to escape the daily grind of life by playing some games with your loved ones and getting some quality time in. Not only will this be good for their mental health, but you’ll also get to see how they’ve changed over time and how they’ve grown as people.

With these games and activities, you can keep them on their toes and on their feet! After all, it is important for both of you to find ways to stay active and stay sharp as we age into our senior years.