Reminiscence Therapy And 5 Recommended Activities For Seniors


Reminiscence Therapy is a method of psychotherapy in which older individuals talk about their memories in order to gain understanding, enjoyment, insight and perspective.  It also encourages individuals to develop new m

emories as they grow older. Studies have shown this therapy is beneficial for both physical and mental health.

How Does Reminiscence Therapy Help Seniors?

Reminiscence therapy helps individuals forget their problems, relieve stress and gain happiness. It is also a way to distract from the illness that comes with old age. The patients who applied this therapy have proven to be stronger in spirit and have shown signs of improved health such as increased ability to walk and lift objects easily.

Reminiscence therapy gives individuals with different kinds of issues a chance to forget about their gloomy pasts by engaging themselves in activities related to reminiscence therapy. It therefore improves memory skills thus improving health among other positive outcomes.

What Are The Benefits Of Reminiscence Therapy To Seniors?

The benefits to this activity are endurance, strength and good posture. It also ensures that participants will remain in a positive state of mind by forcing them to concentrate on doing the activity with care. All these contribute towards maintaining well-being as individuals get older.

Members of the family can encourage seniors to participate in this activity by explaining that it is meant to promote active lifestyles among the elderly which will help them remain healthy and active even after an old age.

Recommended Reminiscence Therapy Activity For Seniors

1. Board Game

This activity is about playing board games. Board games for seniors involve memory skills, communication and problem-solving in order to play with former friends. Family members can assist the participants by setting up questions specifically designed for this activity. The new tasks include learning the rules of the game and handling the cards correctly in order to improve memory skills required for continued participation in board games.

Assisting people who do not have physical or mental disabilities but are still older than 65 can perform this activity along with their friends or family members. It can also help those who are recovering from injuries.

It is a good activity for seniors since it improves stamina, stamina and increases strength. In addition, it helps the participants to have fun and enjoy the time by laughing and interacting with others. It forces them to laugh at themselves as they are in an old age and gives them the opportunity to make new friends.

2. Video Of Activities & Written Transcription

This activity involves a family member or friend videotaping each participant while they perform various activities such as dancing and singing with their friends during a video conference call. The video is then transcribed in written form so that participants can revisit their past memories through writing. It is an opportunity to reminisce about old times and to learn how they were able to do certain things in the past, even if they cannot repeat them now.

Participants are expected to read through the activity log once or twice a week. This activity can also be performed during family occasions such as birthdays in order to give individuals an opportunity to interact with others.

3. Gardening

The activity of gardening helps participants develop memory skills and increases their happiness levels. The act of planting a seed, watering it regularly and watching it grow into a plant is a very good exercise for the mind and body because both mental and physical health are required for this activity.

Members of the family or community can assist the participants by guiding and teaching them how to plant seeds and help them with watering if required. This will help the participants enjoy gardening even more.

4. Visiting Markets

Farmers markets are places where people can sell their home-grown products such as flowers, vegetables, fruits, home-made bread and packaged food among other things.

Reminiscence therapy involves visiting these markets with family members or friends who will be able to assist the individual in the event of a fall or an emergency.

This activity is a perfect way for seniors to have fun whilst also improving physical, mental and emotional health.

It also benefits families by improving the communication among family members and the relationships between the seniors and their friends.

5. Reminiscing About Old Times

Reminiscing about old times is a great way for senior citizens to experience good health mentally and physically. This can be achieved through visiting friends, family and relatives as well as spending time alone reminiscing about the events in their lives.

Participants of this activity can create scrapbooks from pictures from magazines, newspapers and family albums. They can also take pictures of themselves during events such as birthdays or other important occasions. These pictures are used to cut out objects such as photos or graphics representing a certain period in life.


The goal of this therapy is to improve the psychological, physical and emotional health of people who are in the process of becoming or have become elderly. The article has provided those interested in this therapy with proven techniques on how to apply it successfully for the benefit of their families and themselves.

This is a great way for old people to experience being young again through reliving happy moments related to their life experience. It gives them an opportunity to socialize with friends, family and neighbors whilst getting involved in some activity that will keep them active and happy during old age which can have both mental and physical benefits.

Reminiscence therapy is an exercise that helps individuals maintain good health and improve physical performance as they get older. It gives seniors a chance to participate in activities that are specific to their age group as well as interact with friends, family and peers. 

The current society has a lot of distractions and things to do, which can be very tiring to seniors. Reminiscence therapy is a way in which they can gain physical exercise by doing activities that will build up their muscles, their mental agility and improve their overall health.

Reminiscence therapy plays a major role in improving senior’s physical performance as well as promoting an active lifestyle that will keep them young and healthy.

Reminiscence therapy is a good activity for seniors because it improves physical performance and stamina. It helps them to gain strength and increase stamina as they play different age-related games such as “Red Rover”.