
Karate is a martial art, which means a combat discipline that focuses on fighting with your hands and feet to achieve your goals. When the Japanese first began training this ancient form in the 15th century, it was formed from traditional kenjutsu, or Japanese swordsmanship. In China, the Shaolin Temple monks were beginning to train in kung fu and put their knowledge into Karate. This is why we believe that some of the best schools for teaching all ages are those who have incorporated modern techniques into their traditional practices.

Karate as a sport is considered to be for people of all ages. It is also considered that this martial art is a wonderful tool for older individuals to use in order to stay healthy, active and keep their minds sharp and active. In addition, it has been reported that some seniors who have practiced Karate have noticed an improvement in their quality of life. However, there are also some disadvantages of practicing this martial art as well. One disadvantage is that elderly iafis who are new or inexperienced could hurt themselves if they do not know how to practice Karate safely or adequately enough.

Advantage And Disadvantage Of Karate Good For Older Adults

1. Keeps Mind And Body Active

Karate has been known to be a physical activity that helps our minds and bodies stay active. It also teaches us to maintain both as we age. As we get older, it is extremely important that we exercise on a daily basis in order to help keep us healthy and independent. One of the best exercises for seniors is Karate because it is good for balance, agility and coordination improving flexibility of the joints. This can be extremely beneficial for people who struggle with osteoporosis, arthritis or joint pain from injuries sustained from past years.

2. It Promotes Self-Esteem

 Karate is a sport that promotes confidence and self-esteem in beginners and professionals alike. It is said to be a sport that helps people who struggle with the usual fears that they would have if they were in a situation where they are being threatened, such as being pushed or punched. It also helps people who are insecure in their ability to defend themselves or practicing self-defense skills. In addition, Karate helps people to learn how to work with others as well.  Some of the best schools for teaching all ages are those who have incorporated modern techniques into their traditional practices.

3. Staves Off Loneliness And Depression

According to a study performed by scientists at the University of South Florida, seniors who practice Karate have reported experiencing lower levels of depression when compared with their counterparts who do not practice this art form. This is because of the fact that they are doing something that they love and enjoy. You can also tell if a senior is practicing Karate or if they are simply in your gymnasium because of the fact that it is a dead giveaway when you see them with their uniforms on.

4. Stress Relief

Stress can be extremely detrimental to health, especially for seniors who already have heart conditions and other medical problems. Taking part in art like Karate can help relieve stress by allowing an individual to focus on another thing besides their problems and situations from their daily lives. These individuals report having less anxiety when practicing this sport and in turn realize how much time they have wasted worrying about situations that will never happen again, or become worse.

5. It Is One Of The Most Fun Forms Of Exercise

Most people would not refer to something like kickboxing as fun, however, seniors who have had a chance to learn this sport say that it is one of the most fun forms of exercise they have ever participated in. Whether they are new to this practice or experienced; they always enjoy themselves when they get the chance to take part in classes.

6. It Helps Prevent Falls By Improving Balance And Coordination

In a study performed by scientists at the University of South Florida, it was found that individuals who participated in Karate regularly reported having fewer falls and fractures than those who did not participate in this martial art form.

7. It Is Good For Your Memory

Seniors who have practiced Karate regularly have been known to report that they have better memories when compared to those who cannot recall certain parts of their lives that they should. Memories are one of the most important tools that we as humans possess. It helps us remember all of the good times and experiences in our life, which essentially determines how we live and how we feel on a daily basis.

8. There Are So Many Different Styles

There are so many different styles and classes for seniors who practice Karate, it can be difficult to decide what class to sign up for because there are so many options. Many seniors are concerned when they start a new class or get into their first class that they will be too out of shape and will have no idea where to even begin. But this is not true for seniors who have gone to classes before, because these individuals can tell you exactly which styles of Karate are right for you based on your abilities and preferences.

9. The Movements Are Easy To Follow

There are a few different movements that assist an individual when practicing Karate. Some of the most common movements include jumping jacks, squats, push-ups, leg swings and lunges. These movements can be performed by almost all age groups and the forms of these movements help jog your memory as well as improve muscle control, coordination and strength.

10. It Is A Fun Form Of Exercise!

One of the best things about practicing Karate is the fact that it is a fun form of exercise and not just something that you have to do to keep in shape. It can be done in your free time or at home when you are trying to unwind before bed or on a Sunday afternoon. There are so many reasons why people enjoy practicing Karate such as improving brain and cardiovascular health, learning new skills and having a competitive spirit, which they can step into when they compete against others in their practice groups.


There are so many different ways that seniors benefit from practicing Karate despite the fact that this is not a traditional form of physical activity. In fact, it can help improve your cognitive powers and keep you focused while relieving you from stress and depression. It is an excellent form of exercise that is fun and can be done by almost everyone who wants to practice this sport.