The first time I ever heard about yoga was when a friend of mine told me that she did it every day. I had no idea what this meant and as soon as she left, I did some research on the internet to find out where my new friend was coming from. It turns out that yoga is an ancient activity with many health benefits including stress relief, pain relief, greater sense of peace and happiness, and improved quality of life. It is also very popular in America but only a small group of seniors are doing it because they feel like they will not be able to do some exercises or postures found in traditional yoga classes.
Yoga, the ancient tradition of physical, mental, and spiritual exercise originated in India around 6000 years ago. Today the word “yoga” is often used interchangeably with “meditation,” but they are actually two different practices that can be combined to great benefit in many cases.
What is Yoga For Seniors?
In particular, we want to mention an increasingly popular form of yoga called Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Dog pose) as a way of relieving joint stiffness. A common complaint of older folks is joint stiffness and, as a result of osteoporosis, ligaments tend to stretch, making movement painful and sometimes impossible. For this reason, seniors are encouraged to perform yoga in order to improve physical and mental health.
Probably the most famous ancient text on Yoga for Seniors is The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali. It is known to contain around 200 sutras or aphorisms relating to life and living. One of the best known and most quoted aphorisms from this text is “Yoga Chitta Vritti Nirodha” which translates as “Yoga is the control of the whorls of thought”.
The Benefits Of Yoga For Older Adults
1. Helps the elderly to relax and more effectively manage stress.
2. Can improve circulation, and add strength, flexibility, balance, and coordination to help prevent falls.
3. Decreases physical pain and helps to prevent soreness and stiffness due to arthritis or osteoporosis.
4. Strengthens muscles important for maintaining posture when moving around.
5. Improves mental clarity, concentration, and alertness which can be particularly helpful for seniors with Alzheimer’s Disease or dementia who often forget details of daily tasks such as shopping lists, appointments, or driving directions that they need in order to complete their tasks effectively.
6. Reduces the risks of heart disease and diabetes.
7. Can aid in better digestion of food or easier elimination.
8 . Can improve the quality of sleep, helping you to maintain better health by improving your circadian rhythms.
9 . Can increase stamina and muscle tone which can help you to live an independent life for longer.
10. Improves circulation in the brain, thus helping to stave off Alzheimer’s Disease and aging-related memory loss in general.
11. Reduces complications of hypertension as well as other high blood pressure health problems such as stroke and increased risk of heart attack or insecticidal complications.
The Best Types Of Yoga For Senior Citizens
1. Surya Namaskara
The practice of Surya Namaskara (Salutation to The Sun) is especially good for seniors because the movement, while simple, stimulates the entire body. Sun salutation specifically, is a group of poses that include standing stretches. These poses include Tadasana or Mountain pose which begins every Surya Namaskara practice and eventually moves on to more complex asanas such as Virabhadrasana (Warrior pose) and Parivritta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle pose).
2. Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga
An Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga class is also very popular among seniors due to its robust physical nature, quality stretching exercises, and spiritual transformative nature.
3. Ashtanga Sivananda Yoga
An Ashtanga Sivananda Yoga class is a great way for seniors to get a taste of more advanced yoga practices such as Pranayama, Pratyahara and Dhyanam. The breathing exercises are an especially good choice for seniors who have breathing problems, chronic allergies or asthma.
4 Yoga Nidra
Yoga Nidra is also very popular with older adults because it is an especially good way to relax and meditate while they are in the state of relaxation that yoga practice can achieve by reducing stress hormones during the day or night when such stress is at its peak.
How to Prepare For Yoga
1. Start slowly and build up strength and flexibility over time. It can be tempting to want to jump right into the deep end of a yoga class, but this is usually not the best way to go. Instead, work on moving your body in ways that are new and unfamiliar in a gentle, controlled fashion.
2. Make sure you have enough space around you when starting or practicing yoga for seniors so that you can get enough room for yourself to move freely without accidentally bumping into your furniture or walls.
3. Make sure you have appropriate clothing for the session such as loose t-shirts or tanks tops in order to help you feel better about yourself and your body through increased self-confidence on the mat during practice.
4 . Always choose a yoga class and teacher that you know will be suitable for your personal needs. A good place to start is with a yoga teacher at your gym, local YMCA, or senior center.
5. Keep in mind that many people who use yoga as a type of relaxation also use it as part of their exercise routine and find they are treated much better by the doctors or nurses who regularly check up on them if they are involved in regular exercise.
Yoga is a great way to really start feeling well and living a more robust life after you have started experiencing the negative effects of aging. It can also help to combat any number of health problems that may arise, such as increases in cholesterol, diabetes, arthritis, or even Alzheimer’s Disease or dementia. The various types of yoga available today are particularly suited to the needs of seniors. Simple poses like Sun Salutation can provide a wide range of positive physical benefits from improved circulation and flexibility to greater mental clarity and less stress. More involved poses such as Ashtanga vinyasa yoga and Sivananda yoga can also be especially beneficial for senior citizens who want more intense workouts as well as fully conscious meditative experiences.