
Full seated and standing workouts are extremely important to seniors who want to maintain a healthy lifestyle. While these exercises can be done in the comfort of their homes, seniors should keep in mind that they are also more likely to lead to falls and other injuries.

As a senior, you may not feel comfortable performing these exercises when your parents or family members are around. As such, we have provided some tips for seniors who want to work out at home without anyone knowing what they’re doing. For example, people can change into workout clothes before the exercise begins so that there is no time for them to get caught.

20 Full Seated & Standing Workout For Seniors

1. The Exercise Ball

The exercise ball is a great tool for seniors to use in leg exercises. While it can be difficult to stabilize the ball, it is a good place for seniors to place their feet on and try out different types of leg workouts.

2. One-legged Squats

The one-legged squat is a great full seated exercise that can help seniors get better stability on the ground and potentially help them build up more stamina in their legs. The only problem with this exercise is that it may not be able to accommodate people who are tall or who have longer legs than most people.

3. Upper Body Workout

Upper body workouts can be done with weights, or simply just by holding a towel above your head and swinging it from one side of your body to the other. The upper body is important because they are the muscles that seniors use to lift their own bodies out of a chair or to walk around.

4. The Standing Wall Squat

The standing squat is a great warm-up exercise for seniors who want to get moving faster than anyone else in their building, but also want to avoid walking too much during the day. It’s better than sitting around, but still lets you get moving.

5. Low Impact Cardio

Low impact cardio exercises are great for seniors who don’t want to be sweaty when they walk back in the door. While they may not count as a workout, they are a great way to get people moving without them needing to go all out.

6. Calorie Burners

Calorie burners can be done through simply walking around the house, cleaning your room and performing other mundane tasks that you normally do during the day. However, keep in mind that if you get creative with these tasks then you’ll end up exercising more than anyone else in your building!

7. Core Training

Core training is extremely important for seniors. This is because they are responsible for holding up the upper body, and can help seniors who want to get better support through their chest, back and legs.

8. Chair Push-ups

Chair push-ups are a great way to strengthen all of your upper body muscles at once! All you need to do is place your hands on an exercise ball or the arms of a chair and then lower yourself towards the ground until you’re about an inch away from the surface, before pushing yourself back up again. 

9. Toe Squats

Toe squats are great for keeping your legs and buttocks from getting sore from all of the walking you do throughout the day. While they may not be as challenging as other exercises, they can be done anywhere and are no more difficult than simply standing up. 

10. Make-shift Stair Stepper

The make-shift stair stepper is one of the best full seated exercises for seniors. All you need to do is go up a flight of stairs and then slowly walk back down them on the same side, before repeating on your other side.

11. Standing Squats

Standing squats are a great full seated exercise that can improve leg strength and make people feel better when they look down at their legs. For most people, this means that their legs may not be as strong as they feel. To make up for this, you can use weights to make them stronger.

12. Push-ups with Planks

After a long day of sitting down, the plank push-up is one of the best full seated exercises for seniors to perform on their own to get everything back in order again! However, most people may want to use a chair or something else in place of the plank because it can result in injuries if seniors do not warn themselves before attempting them. 

13. Medicine Ball Exercises

Medicine ball exercises are a great way for seniors to start exercising if they want to improve their core strength, stability and posture. The only issue with medicine balls is that they can be expensive, and most people need to go out of their way to purchase them.

14. Inverted Abdominals

Inverted abdominals are a great full seated exercise for seniors that can make it easier for them to do other exercises, including walking around and sitting down again. While they may not be difficult, it is best not to perform these exercises if you have been lying down or sitting in the same position on the floor for an extended period of time because you may end up straining yourself.

15. Leg Raises

Leg raises can be done with a chair on top of the legs or with weights, which will make them harder to do. However, they can be performed anywhere and require very little set-up time.

16. Bent Over Twists

Bent over twists are a great full seated exercise for seniors to maintain balance and keep their muscles strong against gravity. They can be done anywhere and require no more space than simply bending over. 

17. Leg-Lifts

Leg-Lifts are a great full seated exercise for seniors to maintain balance and keep their muscles strong against gravity. They can be done anywhere and require no more space than simply bending over. 

18. High Knees

High knees are a great full seated exercise for seniors to maintain balance and keep their muscles strong against gravity. They can be done anywhere and require no more space than simply bending over. 

19. Dumbbells & Machines

Dumbbells and machines are some of the best tools that seniors can use as full seated exercises in order to build up their strength, increase muscle size, improve posture and reduce injuries in their legs by improving stability.

20. Kettlebells

Kettlebells are a great full seated exercise for seniors to build up strength and muscle, improve posture and maintain balance.


Every day is an opportunity to challenge our muscles, and look down at beautiful legs that are strong and defined. A half hour of full seated exercises can be used as a base workout for seniors, but add some of their favorite exercises from the list above to make their own custom workout routine.