15 Fun Group Games For Seniors


Senior citizens have a lot to offer society, but they can quickly get bored of just staying at home. To combat this problem, many facilities have started hosting social events for their older residents, with some even providing entertainment and fun activities. In this article, we’ll be going over a list of 15 group games that may be good for elderly people to participate in while at their facilities or elsewhere with others who are also senior citizens.

If you’re looking for ways to energize and entertain your senior community, here are some great group games to play.

15 Fun Group Games For Seniors

1. Mexican bingo

Bingo is a classic game that’s been around since the 1800s, and the rules are also very easy. The two sets of cards (the “bingo” and the “free”) match each other in a variety of ways, such as letter (all the letters from A-Z), word (words corresponding to those letters), or number (numbers from 1-15). The goal is to fill your free card before any other player does.

2. Charades

This is a great party game that can also help players remember certain details more clearly. The people acting out a word must mime it to their team members, who then guess what they’re acting out. If the guesser’s answer is incorrect, the actor must redo their pantomime.

3. Trivia

There are many different kinds of trivia games, including those about facts from history as well as specialized facts, such as those related to sports and entertainment. In the 1970s and 1980s, Trivial Pursuit was extremely popular among Americans of all ages, but many non-North American countries have their own versions of trivia games as well.

4. Bingo/Trivia/Charades Crossover

This is a combination of bingo, trivia, and charades, which can help enliven group games for seniors. The first two are played normally, but the last one involves the teams being assigned to act out words on their cards. This helps people remember information better while also providing entertainment.

5. Red Light, Green Light

This is a type of party game that’s easy to learn and enjoy even by children or even by those who are physically limited or don’t have much dexterity in their hands. There are usually two players at a time, but you can have as many as you want if there are enough lights around.

6. Bingo Golf

Bingo golf is a variation of the traditional golf game, since it uses a card from a bingo set instead of a golf ball and stick. The use of the bingo card also permits drawing on players’ cards, unlike in regular golf.

7. Scavenger Hunt

As the name suggests, this group game involves going around an environment or going to certain stores and finding specific items or taking pictures. This is a good way to get seniors used to new environments and also get them interacting with one another more.

8. Ten-Pin Bowling

Bowling is arguably one of the best games ever made, because it can be played by almost anyone regardless of age or gender. It’s essentially a mini-sport for those who want to have fun without the competition of other team sports.

9. Bingo Volleyball

If you’re tired of playing bingo with standard cards, try having players write their letters on balloons, which are then used as balls for playing volleyball. The game can be played in an indoor or outdoor area. It’s great for seniors because it allows them to interact with others while also getting some exercise.

10. Card Game

If you’re looking for card games to play with seniors, there are many that involve taking turns, so they work well for large groups. They can also be played in teams, so they help build relationships between participants.

11. Darts

This game is great for both indoor and outdoor use, making it one of the best group games for seniors who want to go out and have fun without battling the heat of the sun or the cold of winter. There are also many different types of darts sets that can be chosen depending on your players’ preferences.

12. Air Hockey

This game is fun both for beginners and more experienced players. It’s also great for people who want to get away from more serious card or board games.

13. Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger hunts are simple but can be made into a game that involves answering questions about the objects found during the hunt. For an added challenge, you can award points based on the level of difficulty of the answer being given, so it’s great for older adults trying to keep their brains active too.

14. Musical Chairs

If you have enough chairs for everyone to sit in during your group games, try playing musical chairs with them instead. It’s even more fun if you have the players break into teams of two or three before placing them in the chairs.

15. Truth Or Dare

Truth or dare is a fun group game that allows people to have some harmless fun without being too risque. It’s also a great way for people to get to know each other more and learn about their friends’ personal interests and stories, if they’d like.

Some of these games are hard for people over 50 to play, but others can be made easier by either adjusting the rules or by looking at similar games that are easier for seniors to play.


Senior citizen seems to be a well-used term in society today. And people tend to be interested in their senior citizen friends and family members. Seniors tend to be more active than other people such as kids who may not have the energy or time to do so. They also care about themselves and their health and want to stay fit. Senior citizens provide many services especially in the health care sector and it is different from other kinds of charities in that these services are needed by various kinds of senior citizens. Some well-known charitable organizations actually offer grants for housing options for senior citizens who can no longer afford living arrangements of their own.

Holidays, birthdays, and special occasions are great opportunities to get your senior community together. While a more sedate environment may be a better fit for some seniors, these group games for seniors will brighten everyone’s day and lighten the mood while also bringing more people together. Just remember to have some fun!