
When you think of martial arts, it can be easy to picture a bodybuilder with bulging muscles and intimidating strength. But what if you’re sitting at home trying to make some extra cash by offering your martial arts skills in the community. You still want to look strong and confident right? Many people believe that is the best way for seniors to protect themselves.

However, there are some other ways that seniors can protect themselves when they find themselves in an uncomfortable situation even though they cannot perform the same feats as a young person would be able to do. One way is through karate training, which is what many people recommend for those who struggle with somatic challenges such as arthritis or chronic pain due to their age.

12 Best Self Defense Martial Art For Seniors

1. Karate

Karate and self defense techniques are both right. When you practice and follow the rules of karate, you will learn how to defend yourself and deter anyone who might try to harm you or your family members. You will also learn how to protect yourself in case someone tries to hurt you physically or mentally. Karate teaches seniors about wisdom because it can help them realize their strengths so that they don’t over exert themselves when performing simple tasks like opening a jar. The first thing a senior should start with is breathing training, which is considered one of the most important parts of karate training.

2. Tai Chi

Tai chi is a martial art that is known for its balance, softness and smoothness of an individual. It uses slow, gentle and carefully aimed movements to defend against attacks. Tai chi takes hours of practice because it requires a lot of focus and concentration from the practitioner. However, it is a good way for seniors to protect themselves from physical assaults because it requires control, flexibility and spirit to perform the moves. Seniors will also learn how to adapt their body movements regardless of their health conditions so that they can still move without getting hurt or exerting too much effort.

3. Judo

Judo is an art that stresses on throws and trips, which are moves that might not be possible for a senior to perform because of their physical challenges. However, seniors can perform this type of martial art because they can use their head and body as weapons to inflict damage to those who try to hurt them. Seniors should focus on the ways they can use their body parts as weapons of defense so that they will have less difficulty defending themselves against vicious attacks.

4. Krav Maga

Krav maga is another type of martial art for seniors. This martial art can be used to defend against attackers who are intent on hurting a senior. Krav maga also teaches seniors about self-defense, which is important for everyone because most senior citizens would rather take the chance of getting hurt than to get killed. With this type of martial art, seniors can learn how to protect themselves from their foes without the fear of getting hurt too badly.

5. Aikido

Aikido is a martial art that teaches how to defend oneself from attackers using peace rather than violence. It uses soft movements and relaxation techniques so that an individual will not get injured while defending himself or someone else. It teaches seniors how to control their body and mind, which is also important because seniors may be more susceptible to a person’s thoughts and emotions.

6. Kenpo

Kenpo is a type of martial art that focuses on hand-to-hand fighting only, which can be good for those who experience hand pain or arthritis. Seniors can use this type of martial art to defend themselves from attackers without hurting themselves due to the older age of their bodies.

7. Muay Thai

This is one of the best types of martial arts for seniors to practice because it emphasizes speed and flexibility that cannot be as fast or flexible as other senior citizens’ bodies may be. Muay Thai also teaches seniors how to protect themselves from attackers using kicks, punches and other techniques that are not considered to be dangerous for a senior citizen.

8. Tae Kwon Do

Tae kwon do is a martial art that emphasizes the use of kicks along with some high impact strikes taught by black belts. This type of martial art can be good for seniors because it helps them protect themselves from thuds and blunt force. Tae kwon do also uses upper body strength which most senior citizens cannot perform so well.

9. Judo

Seniors who want to be protected should consider learning this martial art because it improves their strength and flexibility. The best part about judo is that you can protect yourself without inflicting harm to your opponent. This means that seniors will find it easier to protect themselves from verbal and physical attacks because they will be able to use their mind instead of their body movements as weapons of defense.

10. Kendo

Kendo focuses on sword fighting techniques which are considered one of the most effective ways for seniors to defend themselves against attackers. Seniors need a good weapon such as a sword in case someone tries to attack them with a long range weapon such as a gun or knife. Kendo also focuses on self-defense, which is important because seniors are more likely to be more vulnerable to people’s thoughts and emotions than younger adults.

11. Wing Chun

Wing chun is one of the oldest types of martial arts that teach self-defense techniques to seniors. However, this type of martial art specializes in fighting without using a weapon or kicking and punching techniques and it can be very effective in protecting you from any attack because it teaches how to fight without using your hands.

12. Jujitsu

Jujitsu is a Japanese martial art that emphasizes locks, holds, throws and other wrestling techniques taught by senior black belts or grand masters.


These are the best types of martial arts for seniors who want to protect themselves from attackers. If you want to know more about these types of martial arts, you can contact your local karate studio or do a little research on the internet. The best thing about learning karate is that it can help seniors keep fit and active. However, it is still important for seniors to have a game plan in case someone tries to harm them because they may not be able to defend themselves without breaking a sweat. It’s always better to learn karate than not knowing any form of self-defense especially when you’re old enough.

One of the major skills that needs honing as an individual grows older is his mental strength and memory power.