11 Fun Activities For Seniors


Seniors are an amazing group of people. Often seen at the mall with walkers in tow, they’ve earned their right to shop for that perfect pair of dress pants (or maybe even some Crocs). And while the days of retirement often involve countless hours on the couch watching TV, seniors can still enjoy their golden years. There are plenty of fun things seniors can do to keep busy and enjoy life.

Whether you’re looking to get the kids off your back or you want to make time for some of those great family activities, this article will provide you with some great ideas.

Best of all, most of these activities are free! And if they’re not, you can still come up with a way to sneak them into your budget! Let’s face it; time is money after all. So let’s get started.

1. Art Classes

Arts and crafts were some of your favorite things as a kid and guess what? You can still enjoy them as an adult! There are many adult art classes taught at local colleges, universities and community centers. Some of these programs also allow you to take the skills learned in class out into the real world, such as crafting fine pieces of art or painting pictures.

2. Home Repair

One big advantage of getting older is that you can say “no” to more people, spending less time on tasks you don’t want to do and more time doing what YOU want to do. One of those things you might want to do is fix up your home. It’s great to fix up the screen on the TV and the sink, but don’t forget about fixing up your roof, door and windows as well.

3. Classes At The Library

If you’re busy with all those things we mentioned above, book some time for yourself at your local community or public library. They offer many classes for those who want to learn new skills or just keep learning new things. Try out a cooking class, knitting class and/or pottery class (just make sure someone else is driving).

4. Card Games

Look back on the board games you played as a kid with fondness. Most of those were pretty simple as well. But now that you’ve seen those classic board games from the perspective of an adult, give them a try. Maybe you can improve your memory, or maybe you’ll just have a better time. Either way, it’s a win-win situation!

5. Gardening Classes

Many senior citizens enjoy gardening because it allows them to interact with other people in person, just what they crave when they’re home alone all day long. They also find gardening provides a wonderful outlet for stress, which for some people is a big help when it comes to handling all of their responsibilities at home. Take advantage of gardening classes taught at community centers or college campuses near you.

6. Cooking Classes

Are you always trying to find something to do? Cooking classes can help. They make you feel younger and bring back memories of the good old days. The kids will be out of your hair and you’ll earn some extra spending money as well. Plus, it will give you a chance to try out your newly acquired skills, such as starting a fire using only two sticks and an empty tuna can. It’s also a great place to meet new friends with similar interests.

7. Dance Classes

Now this is one activity you won’t regret! Social dance classes like ballroom and swing dancing are fun and cater to all skill levels and will boost your mood, boost your health and boost your social life. Plus, it will give you something to do on the weekends with friends and allow an opportunity for some great “couples time.” Be sure to dress nicely!

8. Bridge Playing

Bridge is a fun game that also helps you keep your brain sharp (the average player has a 21% higher IQ than the average person). It’s a great way for seniors with limited mobility to meet new people.

9. Volunteering

Volunteer work is one of the most rewarding things you can do as an adult with no children or grandchildren at home to watch over you all day long. You will meet great people, have great conversations and enjoy working on projects that can save lives or help others in your community.

10. Shopping Spree

No, this isn’t an excuse to go crazy at the mall buying shoes and earrings for all your friends, but maybe it should be! Sometimes seniors need a break from all their responsibilities and chores so they can feel like a kid again. So get out of the house and get your retail therapy on!

11. Outdoor Activities

So it’s finally summertime, which means you have all sorts of outdoor activities to choose from. Weekend camps, day trips to the beach, catching up with friends over a good old-fashioned picnic at the park or just reading a book in your garden are all great ways to spend time outdoors while making lasting memories.


So there you have it! Now all you need to do is create a list of things you want to do and then put them into action! You’ll be proud of yourself for taking this first step because accomplishing any goal will make you feel more confident in yourself. And who doesn’t want to feel confident?

Being an adult with no one at home but yourself is all well and good, but you will probably want to have some sort of routine in place so you can feel more comfortable in your own surroundings. Being part of a community is great, but sometimes the only thing you really need is to be left alone. With these tips, you’ll have plenty of fun activities to keep you busy all summer long!